Saturday, April 28, 2007

11 Minutes

I am not at all a voracious reader. But while going home this time, I happened to take Paulo Coelho's "Eleven Minutes" with me. As I was travelling alone and that too in a train, so the book was a good company for me. I finished reading the book before reaching Calcutta, in less than 34 hrs. And now I think that this book is one of the best books I have ever read. The story revolves around a girl from a small place in Brazil, who inspite of her not-so-sophisticated life have dreams of a good life, a nice house, caring & loving husband and all those good things in life. Paulo Coelho's simple style of writing really impressed me. About the different phases of transitions in life. The girl, Maria, how did she reacted in her puberty, her 1st crush with a fellow class mate, when she lost her virginity in the back seat of a car, her 1st orgasm and all about her life as a young, pretty woman. Well I dont want to write the gist of the story in my blog, but the book is all about the spiritual nature of Sex... sacred sex, sex in the context of Love. The book was really refreshing amidst my tiresome journey. World Revolves Around Something Which Lasts for only Eleven Minutes
I am now reading Paulo Coelho's "Veronica Decides to Die"... Preview about this will soon appear in my blog. Keep Checking :-)

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kevin said...

I had heard that 11 minutes was one of the worst books by Coelho. Had read many bad reviews abt it so never bothered to read it inspite of being a Coelho fan. Now, I guess will read it.

Veronika decides to die is an amazing book. But, you gotto have a special mood to read that book.

kevin said...

Me = sandeep doshi