Sunday, August 17, 2008

9th Studio Album of the God of Metal

Death Magnetic. All the metal fans around the globe are eagerly waiting for this upcoming album of Metallica. This will be their 9th studio album after St. Anger in 2003. The new album will have 10 fresh and totally new tracks.

  1. "That Was Just Your Life"
  2. "The End of the Line"
  3. "Broken, Beat & Scarred"
  4. "The Day That Never Comes"
  5. "All Nightmare Long"
  6. "Cyanide"
  7. "The Unforgiven III"
  8. "The Judas Kiss"
  9. "Suicide & Redemption"
  10. "My Apocalypse"
I have already heard a live version of Cyanide (from Live in Dallas - 2008) and I find it too promising. But, I am eagerly waiting for The Unforgiven III. The last two Unforgiven tracks rocked the world like anything and both are truly known among the classics.

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