Friday, May 9, 2008

"MTV - wassup" - WTF !!!

there are three types of people. People who indulge in crappy works, people who silently watch the crappy stuffs going on around us and keep numb (more or less, I fall into this category) and there are people who criticizes the craps happening and make money. Few days back, I happen to watch a newly launched programme in MTV, called wassup sponsored by Pepsi with their f**king one liner - "Yeh Hai Youngistan, Meri Jaan". Mann, this programme sucks big time. The programme is hosted by some bull shit people (one of the female host was probably a roadies winner or runners up last year or so). If the motto of this show is just for commercial interest, then its well and good. Else , it sucks !!! If you people, really want to make a difference around you then you got to do something else dear. The content shown in this programme... oh.... Dude, grow up.. 1st clear up the shits from your a** , India will be clean automatically. In gist, whenever I get to see the name of this show in MTV, I feel like screaming "What The F**K !!!"

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