Friday, June 5, 2009

Rhythm of the Rain

These are the seasons of emotion

And like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient
Upon us all a little rain
Must fall.
Just a little rain?
Ooooh, yeah yeah yeah!

- The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin

So, the first rain of the season (not counting the pre monsoon showers).
And the feeling of the monsoon knocking the roof of the houses really rocks. So, if the Rain God is kind enough, we will have four months of Green , Green and just Green all around. And, everybody will be just singing ... Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain ...

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1 comment:

In search of something called LIFE said...

Some good lyrics:
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me


It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me