Friday, April 17, 2009

A Terrorist ? Or, A Celebrity ?

We have a new celebrity in the country these days. Azmal Kasab... the lone captured terrorist of 26/11. After killing 3 prominent cops of Maharashtra Anti Terroist Squad, few other policemen and an uncounted number of civilians in CST, this mother f**ker is a celebrity now. India is giving a fair trail to him, arranging lawyers, VIP security and what not !!! All with tax payer's money. Media is flashing his news all day long, making it too difficult to digest those dire facts. A man who was caught red handed after he killed so many people, and our country is showing respect to human rights by giving him a fair trial. Cut the Crap mann. Pakistan will keep raping our country till we start giving Pakistan replies in the language it understands. Instead of doing that, the leaders of my country goes to America and cries for help.. Obama... Obama... And those shameless leaders now asks for vote. Holy Shitt...

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