Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where's the Goal ?

Manzilon se rahe dhondte chali
Aur kho gai hai manzil kahin rahon mein
this verse, taken from a contemporary songs of a Bollywood movie translates as ...

As I search my way through my Goal,
My Goal got lost in my way...

15 years ago, when someone asks me what is my goal in life, I used to say... I wanna be a computer engineer or may be an MBA. But if the same question is asked today, literally I don't have an answer. I really don't know what do I want to do in my life. And, life is just a rudderless boat, just sailing around. When I used to write essay on "Aim In Life" in my 7th or 8th standard, I used to write this quotation in the introductory part... "An Aimless Life is Like a Rudderless Boat." and the same quotation is probably getting its life in me. I have to find a goal soon, else I will be just a wasted creature. I just found some goals, I need to finish the pending works of the project at office; then I have to follow up with electricity office; I need to search through Google for the download links of Cradle Of Filth's latest album. Aah... too much of goals for a week.

And life is just moving at its own pace with these silly goals.

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