Thursday, November 27, 2014

The au revoir feeling!

Tomorrow is my last working day with my current employer, where I worked for more than 9.5 years. Yeah, that's a long time. I am indeed very sad to leave the place which shaped me as a professional from a college kid, the place where I found some of the wonderful friends I have now and  ofcourse the place of my livelihood for all these years. But as life went on, I too embarked into the act of moving on in the pursuit of a greener pasture. In this long stint, I saw friends, colleagues leaving and finally now its my turn. It is not at all a good feeling to leave people with whom you worked, ate, laughed, gossiped, spent the most time of the whole year. But, I am happy to take with me all the learning I earned for all these years, the fond memories and the hope that the next venture in my career will be equally satisfying and enriching. As I look back, I can rightly say that I had a really fantastic journey and I am indebted to all the people I worked and interacted with...

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