Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's no longer "their" problem !!!

Yesterday, Mumbai saw an aftermath of riots in Assam in the form of mob vandalism and public property destruction. Thousands of Muslim people gathered in Azad Maiden in South Mumbai to protest for the "Muslim" victims of riots in Assam and Myanmar. The protest went out of control which held Mumbai streets in hostage for hours, killing 2 people, injuring many - mostly cops. Media vans, police vans, and like always BEST buses were torched and damaged. In my opinion, most of the protesters didn't even know or care where Myanmar is, or for a matter of fact are not even aware much about Assam. Whatever, public property destruction and mob vandalism is one of the way of reaching orgasm for people in this country. The protest was anyway not meant for Indian Muslims. It was for Muslim victims of riots in Myanmar. The Muslim victims of Assam riots were not Indians. Violence is never justified even if the victims are not citizen of the country. This is something I like about Muslim Brotherhood; having a heart for the community irrespective of citizenship status. I wish the people in mainstream India cared about the Bodo victims of Assam riots. Bodo population is just a meager 5% of Assam's population and as per history, they were one of the earliest inhibitor in Assam. If their rights are not protected now, it'll be quite late. Its quite ironical that the Government calls the others as "minority", even when they don't belong to Assam in particular and India in general. And excuse me, these people are no "minorities", they dominate 11 out of 27 districts in Assam and counting. 

These illegally migrated people from the nearby famine ridden Bangladesh, where their own country could not provide them with the basic necessities of life are becoming  an utter threat to the identity of indigenous people, their property and security. But, who cares? The ruling government don't care, as no other people can give such strong vote banks. The illegal migration problem is not new, the balloon is being blown since Indira Gandhi's regime dated back to 1983 when the IM-DT Act was specially imposed on Assam; until Supreme Court of India made in null and void in 2005. However, 22 years is a long time and the damage was already done. Added to it are the porous border, where a few corrupt security personnel allowed people to cross the border and corrupt officials are selling ration-cards, voter-id cards in a mass scale. The illegal migration is continuing in unchecked scale. Assam riot of July - 2012 is a threatening signal to India's sovereignty. If no strong and aggressive steps are taken, its not hard to foresee Assam being another branch of East Pakistan.  

The mainstream India usually don't give a damn for Assam or the other six states of North Eastern region. But, its high time that they start doing it now. 11th August violence in Mumbai is just an indication that problems in far lying Assam or North East India is no longer confined to the region. It quite saddening that a portion of people is showing sympathy to the outsiders / illegal immigrants just on their religious status and giving the problem a communal tone. The riot in Assam was not a religious riot, it was fight for their rights by the indigenous people, and was challenged by the outsiders because for them it is do or die, a war for survival. They have nothing to lose, because they illegally entered India when they lost everything back home. But, their struggle for survival can change the political and geographical identity of India forever, if not checked now.
Hello Indians, its no longer Assam's or NE-India's problem. If things are not checked and stopped now, the next attack in Mumbai wont get plotted from Karachi, but from inside the country.
I wish people in this country really cared for their homeland. Just "homeland", and not thinking in terms of religion, caste and creed. If it was done, damages to the tone of millions of rupees would not have happened in Mumbai  yesterday. Politicians are busy looting public money like a huge bunch of pigs plunging themselves into pile of shits. Look at me, I have taken the easier path of showing my concern by writing blogs from my cozy living room.

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