Friday, July 13, 2012

What the F**K!

The recent incident of the molestation of a teenage girl in full public view by a mob of more than 15 animals for 30 minutes in Guwahati city's busy G.S Road outraged the whole country. #Guwahati became the trending topic in Twitter. TRPs of news channels went up like anything. While a group of news channels displayed the footage in a loop, a few others tried to show (so called) maturity by not showing the footage but opening up a telephone/SMS discussion forum. I, like most others expressed my anger by tweeting in Twitter. The whole incident was extremely disturbing and I really felt embarrassed today for being an Assamese, or belonging to the community. I always used to compare the safety and state of women in this part of the country to that in Delhi, Gurgaon or Noida and express pride in it, which got shattered today. Assam or North-East India was devoid of these heinous social crimes. But, I believe good old days are gone. While we will go back to our lives with our "chalta hain" attitude, the poor little girl has to move on with the trauma forever in life. I pray to God that she gets the strength and will power to go back to life and I hope (a hopeless hope though) the perpetrators will be punished accordingly.

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