Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Wrestler

A few days back, I watched a movie named "The Wrestler". Another master piece from director Darren Aronofsky, known for Requiem for a Dream, The Black Swan. The Wrestler is about the life of professional wrestler - Randy "The Ram" Robinson (played Mickey Rourke), his dejecting quest for a life outside the ring. Amazing acting by Mickey and ofcourse the direction. The movie plunged me into a state of deep thoughts for sometime, and I remember I felt the same thing when I watched Requiem for a Dream. I ain't no movie critic, but this a must watch for any serious movie watcher. Randy, who is on the verge of retirement for aging and ill health due to the use of steroids, tries to find the same love and affection out side his professional life, which he gets from people associated with the ring. But, as the character was portrayed, he was too much f**ked up in his personal life, disassociating himself from his daughter long back. Although, he tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter again, but it was all in vain. Next, was his failed convincing attempt on a stripper, for whom he had romantic feelings, to settle down with him. Doing all odd jobs like working in a grocery store for survival, Randy was striving for the same name and fame which he enjoyed jamming in the ring. The movie ends with an iconic wrestling re-match between him and one of his long time nemesis, where Randy outweighed his mortality for his love for the ring, his profession and his identity. The movie also portrays the utter truth of the back-stage in the world of wrestling, in midst of all the roar and joy of the crowd. How wrestlers sheds their blood for name, fame and money! In one of the frames in the movie, the dismayed look in the face of the stripper, a mother raising a nine year old son, for her sodding need for a lap dance from the customers was very touchy.

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