Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Changing Pattern

Its been almost 6 yrs now that I have been blogging, and it feels nice to read through the old posts. As I was going through my older posts, I realized that there is a unique pattern in the contents of my posts which is a reflection of my life, then and now. I write for myself; I shout, I console, I rebuke ... all for myself. So Selfish !!! The posts in 2005 and 2006 mainly gives the idea of a person who is just out of college, trying to adjust with the professional life and mainly quarter life crisis, lack of a girl friend etc. In 2007, the posts were extremely depressing, sad and annoying. If I read through those posts now, I can't believe that I had written those. Such strong languages, sense of despair, hopelessness and pessimism. The posts were like By the River XYZ, I sat down and wept. 2008 was a year of writing for the masses. It was the year when India witnessed the most and the horrific terror attacks. So, the posts were mainly on "What's Going On ?" type. A frustrated helpless citizen of a country which is bleeding. But otherwise, it seemed like that I was quite stable mentally, personally and professionally. 2009 was a cool year. Posts were mainly on music, movies, day-to-day life. 2010... its just 4 months now and hence no pattern detected. Someday, may be after 20 years from now, if I still continue this trend and habit of writing blogs, it will be nice to compile everything in one single book named Anecdotes from the Life of an Ordinary Man, I don't know if anybody will publish it but there will be atleast one buyer... that's me.  But, its evident that writing actually reflect our state of mind. And reading through my own writings I can confidently say that I have grown matured over the years. I have gained better control of my life. That's Good...

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