Monday, February 1, 2010

Save The Tigers

A recent census showed that there are only 1411 tigers left in our country. Our national animal is on the verge of extinction !!! Doesn't it mean that our glory is at stake ? Its our own greed and selfishness which has almost wiped out this animal from the face of the planet; so now its our responsibility to wake up and do something. I am not very optimistic that we will succeed, but here is a small try ... something to make people aware. I know no poachers will see this video, but may be just for my own mental satisfaction. At least I wont repent that I did not offer my 20 cents ...  I don't want to watch a movie called Tigris Park five years down the line based on a extinct creature called Tigers !!!

Endangered species, caged in fright
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
The stage is set, now pay the price
An ego boost, don't think twice
Technology, the battle's unfair
You pull the hammer without a care
Squeeze the trigger that makes you Man
Pseudo-safari, the hunt is canned...
The hunt is canned

All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it, this is the Countdown to Extinction

Tell the truth, you wouldn't dare
The skin and trophy, oh so rare
Silence speaks louder than words
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
Liars anagram is "lairs"
Man you were never even there
Killed a few feet from the cages
Point blank, you're so courageous...
So courageous

All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it, this is the Countdown to Extinction

One hour from now,
another species of life form
will disappear off the face of the planet
forever...and the rate is accelerating

All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it, this is the Countdown to Extinction

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shilpahak said...

i dont want to watch tigris park either....I join you in this clarion call...I am sure lot others will too....we wont let our tigers die an unnatural death

saurav said...

@shilpahak hmmm... ya .. now awareness among our countrymen is the only hope for this catastrophe...