Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Joy Of Feeding

I love feeding animals. Let it be dogs, cows or any other animals. My mom said, when I was a child, I once fed a calf with cough syrup as I saw him coughing. Its also nice to feed goats as it gives a vellicating feeling in the hand when it eats from the hand. In cities, dogs are mostly available to feed. Few years ago, when I used to wait for my office shuttle, 2-3 dogs befriended me as I used to feed them biscuits during my waiting time there. A few days back, I and two of my colleagues were chatting about the upcoming year end break by our office. Seeing us, a stray dog came to us wagging his tail and sat beside us. Looking at him, it was evident that he was hungry. As always, I went to the nearby Pan-Shop and asked for a pack of Parle-G biscuits. I had to buy a pack of Good-Day as Parle-G was not available. It was an immense pleasure to feed the dog, looking at the way he was enjoying the biscuits. May be because of the cashew nuts in the biscuits ;-). The biscuits were like his dinner. And the feeling that the dog is happy make me happy. May be because, the dog can't say it verbally that he is hungry and even can't say thank you to you when you feed him. It can only expresses it with special expressions like wagging tails. That's what is joy of feeding.

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