Sunday, October 12, 2008

All Those Hi-Tech Jihadi(s)...

Few days back, Mumbai police busted a terror wing by arresting some members of Indian Mujaheddin, one of them involved in sending terror emails. The man behind those terror emails was a resident of Pune, a principal software engineer employed by Zimbra, a Yahoo Company. He was earning a handsome salary of 19 lacs p.a, belonged to a highly educated family, a topper of 1998 batch of VIT, Pune and a very good chess player. A simple Google search shows how he was a linux expert, proficient in web technologies, http protocol, proficient in python, ruby and above all, he had an in depth knowledge of nginx ( Nginx is a light weight HTTP server and mail proxy server, written by a Russian engineer Igor Sysoev. His resume will be impressive enough to attract any employer. But, probably this is the end of his career. A wastage of the God gifted talent in the name of God or, for achieving virgins (houris) in the so called Jannat ? Kill innocent people ... Khuda Ke Liye !!! Whatever this guy get in Jannat; its of no use now, because his present life is gone. He has betrayed his family, friends and all his near and dear ones. I wonder how his colleagues in office, all those persons whose technical queries he used to answer in various forums must have felt when he was caught killing innocent people. His 31 years of life got wasted, and even if he gets bail or get freed from the law, he should kill himself. No one in this society or in this country want people like him. He is a shame for his community. Because of people like him, his community's name is maligned. If he really wanted to do something for the welfare of his community, he would have never engage himself in all those inhuman and anti social activities.
If Khuda also sees you (and people like you) from above, he will also feel embarrassed because he created you for a good cause, not for killing people. You just misused your gifted talent. Shame On You ... On another note, you have traduced the name of a noble profession. Software professionals will be tagged with another tag from now onwards, for the filthy deeds of you. Shittt...

Note: All the factual information posted here are compiled from the internet.

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