Sunday, August 24, 2008

Working Class Hero

Last week, when I along with some other colleagues of mine were assisting the workers of a movers and packers company in the recent shifting of my group to a new site, I could observe the true spirit of a common man. Although, I mentioned in one of my previous posts that the whole shifting days were real pain in the a**, but from a different angle, it was truly inspirational. I could see labors working for 16-18 hrs. a day, sacrificing sleeps at night, that too for a meager salary of a few thousand rupees per month !!! I interacted with some of them, and one of them said he can work for 4 days without any sleep but after that it becomes difficult for him. Tired and Exhausted, yet I did not see any arrogance in their voice or behavior. I will say that these are the Working Class Heroes. They may not have the knowledge of how delicate a server is or how to handle a storage disk adequately, but was not at all reluctant to hear our advices as well. It was a good exercise for me, I could see a live example of Work Is Worship.

Although the actual interpretation may be different, but just from the context of words, I remember John Lennon in his classic "Working Class Hero":

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and class less and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be...

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