Thursday, July 24, 2008

Struggle for Survival

"In a drive to save on electricity consumption, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off till further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Kindly postpone all your hopes and dreams..."

May be someone wrote this quote just for fun or just for the sake of making a quote. But, atleast this year I am seeing this to be true every passing day. If I just look back, I remember about incidents of RIFs in companies, then rise in food grains, followed by the biggest blow of this year - the increase in crude oil prices, then sky soaring inflation, increase in prices of literally everything. Mann, whats going on? At least in this part of the country we had electricity and water to a sufficient level. Now, mother natured kicked our asses and the monsoon played truant this year. The month of July saw zero rainfall. So, here comes the consequences... 3 hrs. of load shedding everyday and 20% cut in water supply. The local electricity distribution firm declared 24hrs. of power cut for industrial connections every Thursday. These things are really frightening me and may be every other individuals. In the race of being the most advanced living beings in the universe, probably our survival is getting questioned !

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