Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Symbol for Communion with the Divine ...

Paulo Coelho always presents SEX as a sacred and divine act. In Eleven Minutes, he explained the spiritual nature of it, and in Brida he presents how Sex is a symbolic means of communion with The God.
Through sex, it means a force, a re-encounter with the meaning of life. Having sex with someone in bed isn't the same as knowing it as a force. Both men and women are extremely vulnerable to the force of sex, because, during sex, pleasure and fear are present in equal measure. Because anyone who comes into contact with sex knows that they are dealing with something which only happens in all its intensity when they lose control. When we are in bed with someone, we're giving permission to that person not only to commune with the body, but the whole being. The pure forces of life are in communication with each other, independently of us, and then we can't hide who we are. During sex, its difficult to deceive the other person...
It doesn't matter whether you're seeking wisdom or pleasure through the force of sex, it will always be a total experience, because its the only experience that touches all five senses at once. All out channels with the other person are wide open.... At the moment of orgasm, the five senses vanish and you enter the world of magic; you can no longer see, hear, taste or smell. During these long seconds, everything disappears, to be replaced by ecstasy. It is exactly the same ecstasy as that attained by mystics after years of renunciation and discipline.
Make sure that when you touch the other person, all your five senses are working, because sex has a life of its own. The moment you begin, you're no longer in control; it takes control of you. And whatever you bring to it - your fears, your desires, your sensibility - will remain...
When you have sex, take with you to bed only love and your senses, all five of them. Only then will you experience communion with GOD...

Courtesy: BRIDA by Paulo Coelho

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