Saturday, April 5, 2008

Heading for the days without power ...

The Pune Zero Load Shedding Policy has finally come to an end on 31st March, 2008. Pune was enjoying a load shedding free life since June-'06. Thanks to the joint collaboration between Maharashtra chapter of CII and Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Company. But, with Pune expanding in such an alarming rate, the shortfall of electricity was inevitable. And, finally from 1st April, Puneites will suffer from a minimum 1.5 hrs. of load shedding everyday.
Modern living has contributed the fourth element to the Roti, Kapda, Makan philosophy, and thats power. So, how can we imagine a life with such power crisis. When I was young, I did not remember even a minute load shedding in my home town Shillong. But, when I was in there last year, Shillong was experiencing a 3 hrs. load shedding everyday. Power crisis has become now a big question mark in the eyes of everyone. People talk about renewable source of energy, energy conservation, but how much of that is being implemented? I see, all malls and multiplexes in Pune illuminated with more than required amount of lights. When I go to office, I see street lights glowing till 9AM in the morning. How many of us switch of their monitors before leaving office for home ? As the saying goes, Charity begins at home, everyone of us must understand the importance of this fourth element of our lives. Else, days are not far when we have to experience not 1.5 but 15 hrs. of load shedding everyday, and everyone of us can well imagine how miserable our lives will be with such a situation.
Aaah, I just see a power crisis. As I am writing this post in my blog in a load shedding period, my laptop is giving warning of Low Battery. I should stop here before my lappu dies.

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