Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dude's Day out ....

Yesterday, we went to Ponmudi, a place 80Km away from Trivandrum and is at the mountain top of Western Ghat. We took food along with us and so it was more a picnic for us. The drive to the table top was awesome. 22 Hair-Pin Curves and 60 degree elevation of the roads will make anyone get scared for the first time. It took around 2 hrs. to reach there and the view from there was too good. It was green all around and was a retreat for the eyes. One can actually feel the pressure difference and the cool wind added to the serenity of the place. It was a great feeling being there. Took a lot of pictures, had our lunch there. On the way back we visited the house of one of my friend's relative. He was an old person of 90 years, but age was not a limiting factor for him. He was running a charity organization for the spastic children, a totally nonprofit institution. I was amazed to see the complex of his institution and his house with hundreds of different varieties of plants. Looking at all those, it made me believe that determination is the root of all great deeds. Finally, towards the evening we returned home. A day full of fun and great feelings.

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