Wednesday, July 4, 2007

two new feelings...

it was just the Monday night, when I along with my friend were returning home at around 12:30 midnight after watching Die Hard 4.0, and my friend's car broke down. There was a heavy downpour that night, and there were water logging in many places. In one such places we had to cross above-knee stagnant water. So water might have entered the engine or whatever, the car broke down for around 2 hrs. It was a blessing in disguise that we could manage to have a bright street lamp and there was no rain in that period. Finally, my friend managed to start the engine at around 2:30AM and we reached our destination. And, yesterday it was my turn. I had a tyre puncture when I was returning home from office. It was for the first time, a puncture happened to my car. But, I am luckier enough to be blessed with a few very good friends who will come to my help anytime and anywhere inspite of me not being good to anyone. So, I recovered the trauma. Whatever, two new experiences in two days... Nice Going Dude !!!

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